Autry drove practically the whole time, and that was just fine with me! |
In May Autry & I took a little road trip to Mississippi. I had only met a handful of people from his family this past February when we got married & I was anxious to meet the rest of them. He has a HUGE family! He always told me that, but for some reason it didn't really sink in until I started to meet them...one by one. He has a lot of family! :) Not saying that's a bad thing either. I really had a good time with his family. We played phase 10, went shopping at thrift stores and ate a lot of great food too.
We crossed several state lines. Arkansas was the one we stopped at on the way down. We missed the Tennessee state line when we were headed down because of car trouble. We were too focused on trying to find somewhere to get the car looked to even think of getting a photo at the road side sign.
I think I look pretty good for hopping out of the car the second we saw the sign.
Autry didn't want to take all the pics, but I finally convinced him. I like photos. They're nice to have. We didn't know I was pregnant yet. It was sure an uncomfortable car ride though. I've had rough car rides before, but this one felt different. I kept telling Autry I wasn't sure but I was sure ready to find out.
One more snapshot of the sign before we got back on the road.
We drove across a lot of really cool bridges in Arkansas. This is the one of the few pics I snapped that worked out. I love these bridges! I think they're really pretty.
I snacked on homemade mini chocolate chip cookies & crunchy Cheetos on the way down. To this day I don't understand why I ate those things together. Until I got pregnant I don't think I liked mixing sweets & salty together? I honestly can't remember.
This photo didn't turn out half as good as the real thing, but the trees. Oh my gosh! The trees! There were so many of them! Autry always told me about the trees growing right along the road, and when we got REALLY in the south (where he's from) they do.
One of the first places we stopped the day after we got in was to drive by where he used to go to high school. It was really interesting seeing where he went to school. We didn't go in past the gate or anything, but it was still neat.
One of the first days we were there we went and saw our niece, nephew, his sister, mom and grandma. I had met them all previously at the wedding, but it was still nice to spend time with them again. We had pizza that first day I think. She was trying to be shy, but didn't really have far to go before I snapped a pic.
Nephew had a hard time with the flash on the camera. I couldn't get him to keep his eyes open long enough for me to get a pic, but I thought this was cute.
One day Niece came over to where we were staying. She got quite tired and feel asleep in the bed. It was so precious!
Nephew & Autry spent a good bit of time swimming in the pool. I would've went swimming but it was MUCH too cold for me!
These delicious looking tacos were made by Autry's aunt. They were SO good!
Notice the Phase 10 cards? We played that a lot while I was there.
One night Nephew & Autry we sitting together watching a movie. They used to do this all the time before Autry moved up to Missouri.
While we were there, Autry's cousin's Chase & Mallory had a craw fish boil while we were there. Let me just say that I didn't try it because I'm allergic to shell fish. I have TONS of photos from this event which I might write a separate post on it.
Of course on Mother's Day we announced that we were expecting our first little one. Everyone was really surprised & equally happy. It was a fun way to tell everyone.
Autry's sister bought a cake for my birthday. I was quite surprised! It was pink & camo. :)
Chase, Autry's cousin, made some of his famous spaghetti. It's really soupy & has some spice to it, but really wasn't too bad. (I hate spicy food, but I was brave and tried it.)
My birthday was May 14th. Autry bought me the stuff to make Italian food (my favorite).
A pic of me on my birthday. Autry bought me flowers and a teddy bear. :)
This is me and Autry's cousins little boy. He called me Aunt Helen.
This is Autry's cousins little boy. He is a sweetheart.
The boys giving me goodbye hugs & kisses. Nephew was really sad I was leaving.
Before we headed home we made one last stop at Red Bluff, Marion County, MS. It's SO beautiful, but I was scared to death of getting too close to the edge because it's a pretty far drop down there.
First Stafford Family photo. We were both really excited. (still are!)
On the way out we drove past this 'swap-like' place. Autry said it wasn't a swamp, but it sure looked like one to me.
Another photo of a bridge on the way home. I really like these bridges!
Back in Missouri: a beautiful Missouri sunset.
Our Missouri trip earlier this year went really well and we had a lot of fun. We didn't get to do a lot of the things we had planned on doing, but we sure had a good time & I am looking forward to our next trip to the south!