There was a huge, huge, huge city yard sale 'party'. A few weeks ago I had some cash in my pocket and was ready to find some great deals! ...and I did! :) I was mostly looking for house things, but I did make a few other finds I just couldn't pass up! I think I made it out of the yard sales spending less than $12!
Shoes for Autry. I remember when I sold these at Payless. American Eagle brand. Almost brand new! Paid $3. |
An Aeropostale shirt for Autry. I paid $1. |
A large circle cake pan. Paid $1. |
A large pot. This yard sale was closing so the nice lady gave this pot to me for $1 instead of the 2.99 on the lid! |
Love these bottles! Paid .25 cents for this one. |
Another bottle...this one was .10 cents. And two super nice rubber spatulas. Also .10 each! |
A container. I paid .50 cents. |
Apple core thing, potato peeler, butter slicer, wine cork opener (not that I wanted/needed it), egg separator, and spatula. All of these for .50 cents. |
All of these glasses were FREE!!! Yes, I rummage through the boxes on the side of the road marked free. You never know what you will find! |
Another FREE thing I found by rummaging. I'll probably use it for kitchen gardening. :) |
Antique frame. Paid .25 cents. |
Another antique frame. Paid .25 cents. |
Another antique frame. FREE thanks to rummaging! |
A nice white sheet...which I plan to cut up and use for sewing projects. I think I paid .50 cents for it. |
Monopoly. One of my favorite board games! WITH all the pieces! I paid $1! |
Ugly 'grandma' sweater for refashioning. Paid .25 cents. |
Denim shirt for refashioning. I think I paid .50 cents. |
Black sweater. This is so comfy! I've worn it tons already! I paid .25 cents. |
Thick peach sweater for refashioning. I paid .25 cents. |
Merona peach elbow length shirt. I paid .25 cents. |
Well, as you can see it was quite a haul for so little paid out. I was quite pleased with myself. I think Autry was happy to still have some money left over from the $30 he gave me when I headed out that morning. :)
Be sure to check out the most amazing deal I found this shopping day:
The .25 cent wedding dress which I plan to refashion!
Aw thanks! :) I will come visit your blog soon!