Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Prego With Style | Navy Blue & Boots

I'm not very creative when it comes to pregnancy outfits and that's mostly because I am running out of clothes that fit. Even the maternity shirt in this photo doesn't cover like it used to! As of December 3rd I am 6 weeks away from his due date. I cannot wait to hold him in my arms!

Maternity Denim Jacket: Old Navy. (Thrifted)
Navy Blue Maternity Shirt: Old Navy.
Denim Maternity Skirt: Made by Me!
Cowboy boots: Gift from Mom.

I can't believe how big he's gotten! I started having stretch marks show up around mid November. I was honestly surprised and kind of disappointed. My mom had only one from the 7 kids she had so I was hoping I'd be so lucky. At least right now I can't really see them so they don't bother me too bad, and I'm sure I'll get used to them once he's out too.


  1. That sweet little fellow will be here soon! How exciting! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. Hi helen, I must say you look beautiful. Pregnancy is really suiting you. For the stretch marks, try creams that have coca. Its known to prevent as well as remove the stretch marks.

  3. You look great!! Very excited for you!! Take care!

  4. Vitamin E oil is supposed to be extremely good for healing and preventing stretch marks. My friend used it and it worked. Blessings on the remainder of your pregnancy!

  5. Ally my preggo friends swear by bag balm or udder balm for stretch marks. You are rocking it, girl!! So cute!! I'm so excited for you!!


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