Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February's Train Leaving The Station!

All Aboard!

Chugga chugga! Chugga chugga! Toot! Toot!

What a wonderful first month!
Thank you to everyone who hopped on board!

Remember to join the fun even if you are running a little late!
The last entry will receive the Caboose Feature!

The Great Blog Train Blog Hop leaves the station on the first Wednesday of every month. January was the first month and it was quite sucessful with almost 60 boxcars in the link up! WOW! What a sucessful first run! I hope that today goes just as good or even better! And how that happens is by all of YOU visiting and linking up, so Thank you for stopping by!

Part of the rules is following the hosts. That would be Angie @ God's Growing Garden, Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures, and myself. Here's where you can connect with me so chose what works for you and let me know how you followed by leaving me a comment so I can visit you too!
Connect With Me
(Blue Eyed Beauty Blog)

The Great Blog Train

A monthly blog hop departing from your online train station on the first Wednesday of every month!
About The Name & Blog Hop
The railway and trains helped build North America and brought people together. We also want this blog hop to bring people together -- we designed it so that nobody will be left out. Don't worry if you are late boarding this train! Even the caboose will be chugging down the tracks to new relationships because the very last entry will receive a feature next month!
1. In order to link up to "The Great Blog Train" you must first connect to the Locomotive. Please follow all 3 of the hosts by at least one of the following options: GFC, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Linky, Networked Blogs, or Facebook. Then leave us a comment telling us how you followed so that we can come back & visit you! The hostesses are:

2. Now link up your family friendly blog to the train...please only use your homepage, NOT a specific post! IMPORTANT: Any "naughty" boxcar that does not follow this rule will be derailed!

3. And last, but not least, connect to the boxcar in front of you (the blog in the linky just before you). Stop by that person's blog, have a look around and leave a comment letting them know that you stopped in!

Now that you have your ticket you are
ready to board the rest of the train!

OPTIONAL: You may grab our "Great Blog Train" button and post it on your side bar or linky page. Also, feel free to spread the word! The more the merrier!!!

Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

The Featured Caboose!

2 Just Be You

Congratulations, Kim! She is one of the hostesses for Meet & Greet Blog Hop each weekend. Kim is active with her creative family! They work together and create handmade gifts, and homemade delicious sweets! Kim shares fun, crafty ideas and recipes in her blog, shares about her Mommy adventures, and has great giveaways!

(Were you featured? Stop by my Connect page to grab "The Great Blog Train:
I Was The Featured Caboose" button!! Congratulations!)

My 3 Picks From January!
I was excited to get to know quite a few new bloggers from last month's link up! I may not be able to get around as much this month since I'm getting married in a week and 2 days from now, but I will try to meet a few of you for next month's feature! :)

Dolores Said Something

Passion, Pink, & Pearls

The Chicken Chick

Enjoy Your Travels!

Recive A Heads Up Next Month!
If you'd like me to email you next month when "The Great Blog Train"
leaves the station, please let me know by leaving a comment below!

OR email me at hjd_21 {at} yahoo {dot} com!
Thank you!!!


  1. Good Morning! This is my first time on your blog. Stopping by to say hello and follow along!

  2. Thans for being part of the blog train, following you on Facebook and Pinterest!

  3. Such a fun party! I just linked up and your newest GFC follower. Have an awesome day!

  4. Hopping on board again, thanks for hosting!

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·`¤... Jennifer

  5. This is my first time for this train ride. I'm following you on Pinterest now. Marci sent me here.

  6. I'm the caboose??? I'M THE CABOOSE!!! =D (yes, that's a HUGE smile!)
    I'm so honored to be the featured caboose. Thank you so much. Great surprise!
    I came to catch the train, and this was a great way to start my day. Thanks for hosting, and I'd love an email reminder.

  7. Hi Helen. I'm your newest follower from Marci's Stone Cottage Adventures.

    Anne xx

  8. New follower! Glad to be here, following you via facebook and pinterest!

  9. Hi, thanks for the invite to the Blog Train! Looks like fun! Following via GFC.

  10. I would love for you to let me know in time for March...if I happen to a new follower..thank you.


Thanks for stopping and leaving a comment! I LOVE reading comments! {They also help me know what you are interested in reading on my blog!}

Comments on posts older than 14 days are moderated. Other comments may be removed if they are inappropriate or spam. I do read all comments but can't always respond to each one because I don't get online very often.

My email can be found on my 'about me' page if you would like to contact me or you have a question.