Hey everyone! I wanted to give a bit of a baby update since it's been awhile, but first a few recent photos to look through. I was finally able to find a sweater among the ones I owned previously that fit over my baby bump enough to wear it out in public. I have a feeling that it won't last too much longer though so I will enjoy it while I can!
Black Sweater: Merona.
Grey Tank w/Lace Trim: Old Navy.
Denim Maternity Skirt: Made by Me!
Black Sweater Boots: Old Navy. |
These photos were taken around 30 weeks which would've been around November 5th. I'm SO glad to have finally made it to 30 weeks. Just 10 more to go! I totally forgot to get a good close up of the boots, but if you're a fashionista of any sort you'll probably know what I mean when I say they're sweater boots. They have that crochet look and the cute buttons on the outsides.
I really felt pretty this day, but when I saw the pics hubby took for me I thought I looked horrible. Who knows...maybe my mind was playing tricks on me that day. My hair was pretty...that I do know for sure. It had some really awesome curls going on and I loved that!
Of course I had to add a belly shot since you really can't see it well in either of the other photos. I can't believe how big it's gotten! This is a selfie and was much harder to take than you would think...
And now for the update if you're interested!
Not long ago I discovered the blog
Domesticated Working Woman which is written by Lins. I was really excited to discover that her pregnancy is right on with mine (only a few days apart) and that she was sharing weekly posts on different things related to her experience with pregnancy. She is also having a boy (we're having a boy here too) so that was even more awesome! She has been writing a weekly post on her pregnancy and it's progress which I've really enjoyed. I thought I'd steal a few topic ideas from her posts and share a few fun things with you all today.
How Far Along: As I mentioned above, last tuesday (the 5th) was 30 weeks for me! I'm really glad to have finally made it to this point.
Weight Gain: In the last month and a half I've gained about 10 pounds. This came as quite a shock for me since I had been working extra hard this past month to eat things that would hopefully help me not gain too much weight. I was hoping for a 5 pound gain...not 10 pounds. Over all I think I'm getting close to 40 pounds that I've gained since I got pregnant which has been really hard for me since I went through a huge weight gain a few years ago (after my car wreck) and had a really hard time losing that. I have been told though that the 'birth gear' of placenta and amniotic fluids alone can weigh up to 20 pounds and then you have the weight of the baby at birth to take out of the equation too so that gives me some hope. Still, it has been upsetting when I think about how much my clothing sizes have changed over the past months (and not just because of a growing belly either).
Stretch Marks: I'm pleased to say that I haven't noticed or seen any stretch marks on my tummy. I was hoping that would be the case since my mom had 7 kids and only ended up with one tiny stretch mark after all that.
Maternity Clothes: I finally broke down and made myself a maternity skirt from some thrifted maternity jeans I got at Goodwill awhile back. That was a MUCH needed thing for me since I tend to wear skirts all the time. This has really opened back up the options I have for outfits and helped me feel a lot less upset about the growing pile of clothes that don't fit for one reason or another. I will say that I have moved from a medium size tank under shirts to an extra large (because they're regular clothes, not maternity tanks), but that doesn't bother me too much. I'm really missing not being able to wear most of the great sweaters I have in my collection. This is mostly because they're meant for a normal body shape, not a pregnant body shape.
Gender: As many of you probably already know, we're having a boy!!! Hubby & I are very excited about this. The last week of October we finally got his room painted, furniture moved in, and most everything put away in the closet and dresser. This was super exciting for me. I don't have any decor items in his room right now, but I hope to slowly build that up. I did start on a quilt for his bed, but I think it's gonna turn out to be twin size by the time I get it done. I'm not very good in the quilt making department so I made the first four rows too long and it's too much work to go back now and redo it. Besides, he won't be a baby forever so maybe the quilt turning out bigger than expected is a good thing.
Movement: Man does this boy like to kick! He did have his feet down by my bladder and he would kick a lot and it would hit my bladder and that was not a comfy sensation at all! As of the 10th (which is when I wrote this post) his feet are up by my ribs. This too can be uncomfortable when he kicks a rib or just kicks the top of my tummy. It must have something to do with pressure. Today I had the weirdest sensation in my lower abdomen (which I'm pretty sure is where his head was). It wasn't really strong enough for a hand movement, and it definitely wasn't strong enough to be his feet kicking... after talking with my mom for a bit she said she thought it might of been him hiccuping. This would make sense because when I massaged my belly or tried to get him to move it made no difference in these little soft sensations. It really freaked me out at first because it lasted more than 5 minutes, but later once I knew what they probably were I thought it was really cool that I could feel that.
Sleep: Well let's just say sleep and I are in no way friend right now. Little man wakes me up at least once a night, and the rest of the 10-15 times I wake up because of back pain. I talked to my midwife about this and she is ordering a session with a physical therapist trained to help pregnant women so she can asses the situation better and give me some exercises that are safe to do while pregnant which should help my back/hips and hopefully help me get back to better sleep.
Missing: I am missing sleeping flat on my belly! I really cannot wait until I can lay down and roll onto my tummy and not have a big bump to stop me from halfway through the roll.
Loving: Knowing that I have less than 10 weeks of pregnancy left is a wonderful feeling. At this point I'm just ready for the 2 months to fly by so we can pop out this baby and I can hold him!
Craving: Nothing too weird right now. For most of the pregnancy I've craved Kraft Macaroni N Cheese & McDonald's McDouble Burgers. The first part of the pregnancy I also craved rice krispy treats. I've eaten more meat this past 7 months than I've eaten in the last 10 years of my life. That is definitely a pregnancy thing. And during this last part of the pregnancy I've been craving several things, but they've skipped my mind and I can't remember what they are!
Feeling: I've been super emotional lately... like I've busted into tears for no reason, and been unable to stop crying long after the sad part of the movie has passed. It's something that I'm not really enjoying, but hubby is supportive and helps me calm down enough to carry on.
Looking Forward To: Holding the little man in my arms for the first time.
So there you have a different sort of update! I had fun writing that. I'm sure some if it was probably boring, but I think I did that more for myself to go back later and see the different things I was feeling and thinking at this point in the pregnancy. Either way it was fun and I hope you found it either enjoyable or helpful to read through it. I am at the point now where I'm just ready for the baby-growing-inside-of-me process to be over and for the next step to begin.
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