Monday, September 30, 2013

FAIL | Exploding Blueberry Syrup

Recently I've been very into making jams and jellies. It’s really not too hard to do and the end results have been well worth it! Well, my second attempt in making ‘jelly’ was going pretty well until I decided to involve the blender. I figured that since I was using the whole fruit of the blueberries I could run them through the blender to make sure the skins wouldn't be a problem.

This was a completely STUPID idea as you can see by the photo…the lid exploded off the blender, the contents that flew out, I burned about four inches of my hand/arm area, and everything else landed on the cabinets above and below the blender, all over the floor, all over the counter, all over my jars of baking items (flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, etc.) and on the few dishes that were waiting for me to wash up when I got done making the jam.

Needless to say this is NOT a process I will ever attempt again in the future. I would not suggest it as it created a mess that took almost a full hour to clean up, not to mention the burning I’m currently (as I write this) experiencing in my arm. I did wash off my arm in cold water right away and left it under the water for quite a bit to help with the burning. I also put aloe vera on my arm to help cut the heat. I think those two things for sure helped and probably kept my arm from being worse off. It still hurts though and trying to finish out the jelly making process was really hard, even with a full oven mitt over the burned area.

All I have to say is don’t try to process hot foods in a blender. Food processor? Perhaps, but even I wouldn't want to attempt that after this painful & messy experience!

In case you’re wondering how the blueberry jam turned out….I was so distracted by the mess everywhere and my burning arm that I accidently added only 4 cups of sugar instead of 6 so the pectin didn't jell right and I ended up with blueberry syrup. It was/is really good over waffles though so the whole experience wasn't completely bad!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Co-Hosting the Aloha Friday Blog Hop!

Happy Aloha Friday!
Your hosts

Hey there people and a very Happy Aloha Friday to you all! Welcome to the most hoppingest of all hops - The Aloha Friday Hop :) This week we have a special welcome to say - welcome to our new host Angie :)

Co Hosts

Our September team are a fantastic bunch of bloggers - they are so enthusiastic about the hop! I know you're going to love them. Just don't forget to head down to the linky to click and follow them when you link up your own lovely blogs :) Our hosts and co-hosts links are always the first you will see, so it's easy for you to click and follow.

Aloha Hoapili
Grab a button and link up below! If you'd like a different sized button click here.

Don't worry if you already have Jean's lovely Aloha buttons on your blogs - switch if you'd like to. Or choose one of Jean's buttons here.

The rules are the same as before and are posted below. The Aloha Hop is one of the most hoppingest hops of the week, attracting over lots of linkups on the regular. Let's keep that blogging tradition going people!

If you'd like to host future Aloha Hops with us then please get in touch at our swanky new email address

We're all set for October and November with lots of lovely co-hosts but feel free to get in touch about December onwards.

The rules
If you'd like to spread the love even more, why not tweet and twitter all about it? Just click the pic below :)

Tweet this Hop

Here's the extra special addition to our lovely hop. It's an oh-so-easy opportunity for you lovely participants of the Aloha Friday Blog hop to get some exposure to your blogs!!  What do  you have to do to enter?  Just link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop Below!! It's that easy!!  No extra forms or hassle, just link up!  Each week we will pick a linker to featured at random and invite you all to say ...

Aloha Hoapili
Grab a button if you were featured this week!

Aloha Hoapili translates as Hello Close Friend. So, without further ado let me introduce you to this week's featured friend ...

Danielle at Kalamity Jane

Danielle blogs all about makeup, beauty and day to day calamities. Want a little taste of her blog? Check out these posts to find out what you've been missing:

Now let's start hoppin'! Click on the links in the linky to visit some lovely bloggers and make new friends. Oh, and don't forget to link up yourselves!

Aloha and have a great day people!

Aloha, aloha, aloha! Link up friends and let's spread some Aloha!

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get the InLinkz code

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fall Bucket List 2013

{photo is a view of sunset past my back yard}

Last year I had a Fall Bucket List and it was the first time I'd ever done a season themed bucket list. It was SO much fun and I got to do a lot of the things on the list that I wanted to...but some things on that list didn't end up happening and I thought it would be fun to try and do some of those this year. Of course I've added a few of the things that were completed too since I want to do those again this year, but for the most part I want to focus on doing the things I didn't last year.

As I fill in or check off items for this list I will add links to posts where I share the different fun experiences and of course I'll be including photos here as well, much like I did on last year's list. I'll leave this linked on the main page of my blog so you can check back to see how things are progressing over the next few months!

2013 Fall Bucket List

1. See "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown".

Pumpkin carving in the making! More photos to come!
2. Carve a pumpkin.

3. Make roasted pumpkin seeds!
4. Stargaze while wrapped up in blankets & drinking hot chocolate.
5. Create a Countdown To Thanksgiving calendar.
6. Make homemade popcorn balls!

7. Go on a final camping trip.

8. Start making Christmas gifts.

9. Attend a bonfire party. Read the post: Fall Bucket List 2013 | Attend A Bonfire.

10. Visit a Corn Maze.

Tried a DIY Caramel Apple Cider recipe...pretty good! Will be sharing on the blog soon!
11. Drink Apple Cider!

Pumpkin Spice Latte from wasn't my favorite.
12. Try a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Read the post: Fall Bucket List 2013 | Try Pumpkin Spice Latte.

13. Start an "I'm Thankful Jar" to read on Thanksgiving Day.
14. Bake Cinnamon Rolls for Thanksgiving Morning (tradition in my family!).
15. Make a Pumpkin Pie!
16. Go to a High School football game.

Fall Festival @ Liberty Blueberry Farms in Missouri.
17. Attend a Fall Festival.

Do you have plans for this Fall?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Baby Stafford | It's A BOY!!!!

Guess what we recently found out??? We're having a BOY!!!! Autry & I are extremely excited. Neither one of us really cared if the baby was a boy or girl, but we're happy that our first will be a boy! He is very active and, as you might can tell from the photo, he likes to keep his feet over his face! He kicks a TON too...especially after I eat food or when I first wake up. He's a very active little boy!

We've decided to do his room in Mossy Oak camo. I bought fabric to make a quilt and curtains, but I haven't started on those projects yet as we have been busy working on getting his room ready. I had to scrape off the old wall paper and I decided to go ahead and scrape the popcorn texture off the ceiling. I've been using mud texture to re-texture the walls and ceiling. I'm so ready to see the light sage green paint on the walls! Of course I've been taking photos of the project in process so when I get it all done I'll be sharing those with you all!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hot Cranberry Tea

Back in January I had to have cranberry juice...A LOT. And that stuff is GROSS! And the kind I had to drink had NO sugar in it...After a day or two I started getting creative and this is one of the things I tried & actually liked. I thought this hot tea idea would be appropriate to share with you all today since it's officially the first day of Fall. Is it just me or has this year flown by? Anyway, on to the recipe.

2 cups No Sugar Added Cranberry Juice
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1-2 Tablespoons of honey

1. Pour everything into a tall coffee mug & microwave for about 2 minutes.
2. Stir it up and enjoy!

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Co-Hosting the Aloha Friday Blog Hop!

Happy Aloha Friday!
Your hosts

Hey there people and a very Happy Aloha Friday to you all! Welcome to the most hoppingest of all hops - The Aloha Friday Hop :) This week we have a special welcome to say - welcome to our new host Angie :)

Co Hosts

Our September team are a fantastic bunch of bloggers - they are so enthusiastic about the hop! I know you're going to love them. Just don't forget to head down to the linky to click and follow them when you link up your own lovely blogs :) Our hosts and co-hosts links are always the first you will see, so it's easy for you to click and follow.

Aloha Hoapili
Grab a button and link up below! If you'd like a different sized button click here.

Don't worry if you already have Jean's lovely Aloha buttons on your blogs - switch if you'd like to. Or choose one of Jean's buttons here.

The rules are the same as before and are posted below. The Aloha Hop is one of the most hoppingest hops of the week, attracting over lots of linkups on the regular. Let's keep that blogging tradition going people!

If you'd like to host future Aloha Hops with us then please get in touch at our swanky new email address

We're all set for October and November with lots of lovely co-hosts but feel free to get in touch about December onwards.

The rules
If you'd like to spread the love even more, why not tweet and twitter all about it? Just click the pic below :)

Tweet this Hop

Here's the extra special addition to our lovely hop. It's an oh-so-easy opportunity for you lovely participants of the Aloha Friday Blog hop to get some exposure to your blogs!!  What do  you have to do to enter?  Just link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop Below!! It's that easy!!  No extra forms or hassle, just link up!  Each week we will pick a linker to featured at random and invite you all to say ...

Aloha Hoapili
Grab a button if you were featured this week!

Aloha Hoapili translates as Hello Close Friend. So, without further ado let me introduce you to this week's featured friend ...

Sue at Act 17 Verse 28

Sue blogs all about funny kitties, life and cooking adventures. Want a little taste of her blog? Check out these posts to find out what you've been missing:

Kaiser Rolls     Funnies     Dragonfly Photos

Now let's start hoppin'! Click on the links in the linky to visit some lovely bloggers and make new friends. Oh, and don't forget to link up yourselves!

Aloha and have a great day people!

Aloha, aloha, aloha! Link up friends and let's spread some Aloha!

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get the InLinkz code

Friday, September 13, 2013

Date Night | Go to a Pro Baseball Game

Autry was given a set of tickets to a Cardinals Baseball Game awhile back. It had been YEARS since I last went to a Cardinals game so of course when he called me to tell me he got tickets I was surprised! (After I realized he wasn't going to chaperon kids, but would actually be able to take me with him!) Immediately I was making plans for the game. Of course I couldn't go without some cherry Twizzlers, and since Autry doesn't like those we had to make a short trip to the grocery store a few days before the game to make sure we had plenty of snacks to last the game.

Here are some photos of St. Louis & of course the famous Busch Stadium!

I wanted SO bad to walk the 3 blocks or so to see the Arch with Autry, but he told me I didn't need to walk that far since we had walked 10 blocks to get to the game, and then over half the stadium to get to our seats. By the time the game was over and we had walked back to the car I was SUPER glad I had not insisted on walking over there.

Autry has a habit of wanting to be places early, going to the game was no I started snapping pics of the guys smoothing out the field. This was turned out pretty good, don't you think?

I remember visiting the Old Courthouse when I was 16. Its a really neat building. I'd love to go there again sometime, hopefully with Autry.

Another shot of the arch. From the stadium there weren't a lot of places to get a really great pic of it, but I did what I could.

I took this picture with the camera zoomed in, only I didn't know that until I looked at the camera. The pic didn't turn out all bad though. I still tried taking a pic of us together in the stands.

A pic of us in the stands.

I didn't notice this right away, but do you see the arch cut out in the grass of the outfield? I thought that was really awesome!

I'm not really sure why I took this photo.

Some of the players standing around of the field.

The players in action.

They put some of the players up on the screen when they were up to bat. This one is David Freese.

Another one: Yadier Molina.

Sunset at Busch Stadium.

Lights on in front of the Arch.

Another shot of dusk at the Busch Stadium.

One final shot of the field.

So if you plan to go to the Busch Stadium, or any Pro game you might want to know that snacks at the conesssion stands are OUTRAGEOUS! If you don't plan on spending a small fortune on concessions then you'll want to plan to bring your own snacks & water. Just a heads up. Oh, and don't wear flip flops...wear tennis shoes. And bring extra cash to pay for parking. It's anywhere from $5-$20 depending on how close you park. Crazy, but true. I'm just glad we happened to have cash on hand when we went to the game.

This is a super fun date idea, and it could also be a good double date idea too! Or at least I think it would be.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Giveaway Winners to Be Announced Soon!

Hi lovely readers! I'm sure those of you who entered the giveaway are anxious to hear the results...I just got my laptop back from the repair shop (in case you read this earlier post, I didn't lose anything after all and it's back in working order, yay!) and with the lack of constant access to internet some things are harder to keep up with than I ever thought they would be. The next day I get internet access I will be working on putting together the winners announcement for the giveaway! Not sure when that will be, but hopefully before the end of this month.

Our New Gardens

Don't you love the hay fields in the distance? I know I do!

I am SO thrilled to finally be moved! I thought it would never happen. We packed boxes for almost a week and then poof!! We were moving! It was a really stressful process for me, but I think over all it went really smoothly. One of the first things I did the second day we were at our new house was take a walk around the back yard. I am really excited about all the different things we have out there!

This is our loaded apple tree.

The Trees
There are two apple trees. One has already lost its fruit for this season (I just missed getting those apples, but oh well…there’s always next year!), and the other is just about ready to pick! The second tree is loaded down. There are 15 cherry trees that are about 3 feet high right now. Three of those are dead, but there are a few young trees in the middle of the yard under the full grown cherry tree that can be transplanted in October to replace the dead trees. We have a dwarf peach tree, but the peaches on it look gross and are small like apricots. I’m not sure what is going on with that tree… There are a lot of other trees in the yard too that don’t produce anything.

The top left photo shows the grape vines.
The top right photo shows the blackberry bushes.
The bottom photo shows blackberries starting to ripen.

The Fruit Vines
We have a bunch of grape vines. I’m not sure of the exact count, but there’s a good many of them. The vines are loaded down with grapes! Some of them are staring to ripen while others still have a ways to go before they’ll be ready to pick. We also have 8 blackberry bushes. Most of them are done for this season, but a few have tiny clusters of fruit that is still ripening. There really aren't enough blackberries left to do much with at this point.

This is the herb garden a few days after we moved in.

The Herb Garden
I didn't notice this before, but there’s a small herb garden bed that’s just in front of the organic garden. It has some sage growing in it and there’s something else in there, but it looks dead. I've already raked out half of the herb garden and put in 8 different herbs for a late harvest. More on that in a coming post...

The Organic Garden
The organic garden is built up off the ground. It’s full of tomato bushes right now. The bushes are loaded with green tomatoes. A few of them are ripening. I picked one tomato right when we moved in and it was DELICIOUS! Much better than anything I've had in a long time. We had to put up chicken wire around the tomatoes because something was getting into them and eating them. Right now I'm getting anywhere from 3 to 5 ripening tomatoes a day to sit in the kitchen windowsill to finish ripening. We've made BLT Sandwiches quite a few times with the fresh tomatoes. It's SO good!

The Regular Garden
The regular garden is on both the left and right of the organic garden. So basically the organic garden is right in the middle of everything.

This is the view from the opposite end of the garden. In the background would be the house (you can't see it).

To the left of the organic garden there are two rows of planted foods. One has green beans (on the right in the photo) and the other row has sweet potatoes (on the left of the photo).

On the right of the organic garden there are red beans which we planted for a late harvest (on the right in the photo), and a row of onions (on the left). There is plenty of room for the garden to be expanded next year if we want to. In the background of this photo you can see the herb garden. This photo is also showing from the opposite end of the garden.

Well, that's what I've got on the garden & fruit trees for now.

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