Yes you're reading right! We are gonna have a baby!!! :)
How did we find out?
Well, we were in Mississippi...actually it starts before that...I was at the April Ladies Conference and we were having a shopping day at the big mall. I usually can out-shop everybody...but my legs started hurting so bad I had to quit...and, well, it was time to get ready for the next service... I thought then, "Why on earth do my legs/feet hurt so bad?" On April 4th I had gone to see my doctor and they did a blood test to see if I was pregnant, it came back negative on the 5th so I didn't think I was pregnant because it was barely a week later when the first shopping adventure caused swelling legs.
On the way down to Mississippi (our most recent trip of 10 days), I told Hubby that if I wasn't pregnant I was going to start being a whole lot more healthier than I've been this past year...but if I was pregnant I really would be healthy, I just wouldn't stress too much since I knew pregnant women have weird cravings sometimes. We had decided that on Mother's Day we'd take a test and finally put both our minds at ease...
Well the Thursday May 10th came and his sister and two cousins all decided we should go major grocery shopping at Walmart. I had no problem tagging along since I love to shop...the only problem was that I was thinking I was pregnant and was trying my best not to say anything until Mother's Day so we could tell his momma then... The girls all decided to hang out in the baby/toddler department a few minutes before we did our main shopping. They kept talking about "when you get pregnant you need this" or "when you have a baby we'll have to get you that"...and it was SO HARD for me to keep my mouth shut!!! I think we were only there 5 minutes but it sure felt like an eternity! I finally told the girls: "we have a ton of things to get on our shopping list, maybe we should get going?" Turns out later that one of the girls told another that she thought I was pregnant...and they were right!
That night when I finally got home I told Hubby, "I can't wait until Sunday I want to know NOW." My legs again did that whole swelling up and feeling painful thing and I told him that if I wasn't pregnant then I was going to be seriously worried about what was going on! So he got me a pregnancy test...and I took it...and it came out positive right away! I was really surprised, but Hubby sat in shock for the rest of the night. He told me, "I expected you to be pregnant, but I don't think I was really thinking it would be true."
Needless to say we are both very excited and I seriously cannot wait to find out the gender so I can start buying clothes and accessories (if it's a girl!)
Hubby want's a girl. I want twins. We would be happy with any baby as long as she/he is healthy. My first craving was for Cottage Cheese & Peaches. On the way down to Mississippi I drank half a jar of pickle juice...which is very unusual for me. I like pickles, but I don't love them! lol. Today I had a huge craving for pancakes, but once Hubby got back with them I couldn't hardly eat 1/4 of them! :( I have to say that being pregnant is not all I thought it would be, but it certainly isn't horrible. I am nauseated all the time though. I thought that I would be used to it since I've practically been constantly nauseated since my car wreck, but this is a completely different type of nausea and I really hate it! Apple juice, water, and dry cereal are my best friends right now. I have my first doctors appointment coming up in a few weeks. I'm sure I'll have more to share then. Right now according to several online baby due date calculators I'm about 10 weeks along and it looks like Baby Stafford will be born on or around December 15th... So we're gonna have us a Christmas Baby! :)
P.S. Any tips you might have on surviving being nauseated would be much appreciated!