Sunday, September 23, 2012

September Goal Met | Delete 50 Saved Web Pages

I have this habit of finding a web page, blog, or blogger profile and just saving it onto my favorites bar until I have time to look at it later...unfortunately, that time rarely comes so the saved pages keep stacking up. The amount of time it was taking to pull up the bar showing all these saved pages made me realize that maybe I should start going through and cleaning the stuff off. Especially if I'm not using it!

These are the page categories I deleted:

~Car's I Searched For. Deleted: 5
~Job things for Autry. Deleted: 2
~Other. Deleted: 21
~Pinterest Related. Deleted: 19
~Recipes I don't want to try. Deleted: 3

Here is a few links that I've added to my Blog Share page:

~Christian Cinema
~Reduce, Reuse, UPcycle! (blog)

While I still have over 780 pages saved...I have less on there now than I did yesterday! I hope to keep working on this list, adding a few more things to my Blog Share page, and cleaning out that Favorites bar!


  1. Haha I used to do this too. Now I use google chrome and as far as i know there is no favourites tab (if there is pls don't tell me!!) but my old laptop is filled to the brim with hundreds of saved pages.... i may go through them, or i may delete them all. i haven't missed them, there were some pretty awesome recipes on there though...
    I am hosting a blog hop today over at my blog :-)

    1. Lol well since you don't wanna know I won't tell you...yeah I have a lot of saved pages still.

      Cool! I'll stop by when I get the chance!

      Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  2. I am guilty of doing the same thing. Sometimes I email myself links, and that forces me to revisit, and decide if it really needs to be bookmarked.
    Thanks for following my blog. I am following back. :)

    1. At least I'm not the only one who does this!! And you're welcome! I love finding great blogs! Thank YOU for the follow! :)



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